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영어많이 쉐도잉GO 56-60 PDF 다운 본문


영어많이 쉐도잉GO 56-60 PDF 다운

영많이 2024. 6. 17. 15:30

오늘의 5문장

쉐도잉GO by영어많이_englishmany

뭐가 땡겨? 뭐했으면 좋겠어? Ex)밥먹기 전에 뭐땡겨? / 영화 고를 때 어떤 영화 땡겨?             

56_1  What are you in the mood for? Chinese?                                      뭐 땡겨? 중국음식?

56_2  Alright. What are you in the mood for?                                         좋아, 어디가 땡겨?

       I’ll take you anywhere you want.                                     원하는 곳 어디든 데려다 줄게.

56_3  So, what are you in the mood for? I don’t know.                             뭐 먹을래? 모르겠어.

56_4  What are you in the mood for?                                            뭐 먹을래? 뭐 먹고 싶어?


57_1  Jesus Christ, is it always like this? Pretty much.                  세상에, 항상 이런 식이니? 거의.

57_2  Is it always like that? Like what?                                                항상 저래? 뭐가?

57_3  I mean, is it always like this?                                          내 말은, 항상 이런 식인 거야?

57_4  Is he always like this?                                                                 쟤 원래 이래?


*eat: 괴롭히다. 무슨 걱정 있어? 무슨 일 있어? = what’s bothering with you = what’s wrong with you

58_1  What’s eating you?                                                                  무슨 일 있어?

58_2  Hey, what’s eating you?                                                          무슨 걱정 있어?

58_3  Fill me in. What’s eating you?                                                알려줘. 무슨 일 인데?

58_4  What’s eating you?                                                                  무슨 일 있어?


*나랑 안 맞아. 내 취향 아니야.

59_1  But, you know, romance, it's just... It’s not my thing.   그치만 너도 알잖아 로맨스는..내 취향 아니야.

59_2  It’s not really my thing.                                                         정말 내 취향 아니야.

59_3  Weddings not really my thing.                                            결혼은 정말 나랑 안 맞아.

59_4  Well, footballs not really my thing.                                   .. 풋볼은 정말 나랑 안 맞아.


*너 또 그러네 (약간 짜증) 너 또 시작이네 = here we go again

60_1  There you go again                                                                 너 또 시작이다.

60_2  There you go again                                                                  또 시작이네.

60_3  There you go again. Old history                                         또 시작이네. 옛날 이야기.

60_4  There you go again                                                                   또 시작이군.

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