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영어많이 쉐도잉GO 81-85 PDF 다운 본문


영어많이 쉐도잉GO 81-85 PDF 다운

영많이 2024. 6. 24. 15:30

오늘의 5문장

쉐도잉GO by영어많이_englishmany

*get out of: ~에서 나오다. Hair: 머리카락

81_1  Okay, I'll get out of your hair.                                        알겠어. 더 이상 귀찮게 안 할게.

81_2  Now, I'll get out of your hair.                                           이제 더 이상 귀찮게 안 할게.

81_3  Okay, well, I'll get out of your hair.                               좋아. 그래. 더 이상 귀찮게 안 할게.

81_4  I'll get out of your hair.                                                             그만 귀찮게 할게.


*are you certain? = are you sure? 

82_1  Are you certain?                                                                       확실한가요?

82_2  Are you certain?                                                                           확실해?

82_3  Are you certain of this?                                                           이거 확실한거야?

82_4  Are you certain? You really… Yes, I am certain.               확실한거야? 너 진짜.. 응 난 확신해.


*come: (화자 쪽으로 와서) 가자.

83_1  Come with me.                                                                           같이 가자.

83_2  Come with me.                                                                          같이 가자.

83_3  Come with me.                                                                          같이 가자.

83_4  Come with me.                                                                          같이 가자.


*마지막 짚 = 참다 참다 더 이상 못 참게 하는 마지막 그것. =I've had enough= enough is enough

84_1  No! That's the last straw!                                                        안돼! 더는 못 참아!

84_2  All right! That's the last straw.                                                        더는 못 참아.

84_3  That's the last straw.                                                                 더는 못 참아.

84_4  That's it. This is the last straw.                                               그만해. 더는 못 참아.


*stand a chance: 어떤 것을 할 가능성.

보통 부정으로 쓰여서 가망이 없다. 승산이 없다.. 확률이 없다. 가능성이 없다.

85_1  Without here, we don't stand a chance.                        그녀 없이 우리는 승산이 없습니다.

85_2  Doc, we don't stand a chance.                                            선생님, 우리는 끝이에요.

85_3  They don't stand a chance, do they?                                 그들은 가망이 없죠, 그렇죠?

85_4  Unless you have a computer, you don't stand a chance.   컴퓨터가 있는거 아니면 넌 가망 없어.


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